Energy With Julie

Sacred Tips to Honour the Summer Spirits

Embrace the Power of the Summer Solstice

Celebrate this golden day of Summer Solstice, the first day of summer! Summer solstice is the brightest, longest day of the year, and this particular solstice is going to be a pivotal time in our collective consciousness and the opening of our heart space.

The Cycle of Energy and Our Inner Work

The cycle of the sun represents the cycle of our lives, and reflects the natural flow of energy moving inward and outward. Going inward is key, it is a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey. If you planted any seeds (manifestations) in the spring, it is a time to pause and wait for the energy you planted to reach full bloom.

We are in a paused moment at this time and it is wise to practice patience while things are still unfolding.

Setting Intentions for New Beginnings

Each Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox offers us new beginnings. The best way to utilize these energies, and to take advantage of the higher light frequencies are to set intentions through thought, voice, words and actions – these are all powerful ways to manifest and magnetize what we wish to have in our experience.

Summer feels like hope and faith. And that light can reach even the darkest places in the world. It is to be inspired by the light and to share it with others while the sun nurtures us. 

While going through tough times, we must develop trust and confidence in ourselves. It’s easy to slip back into worry and anxiety. These big shifts also cause old energies to surface and darkness can easily take over our mind. Summer time is fresh and full of new life and time to crush the darkness with light!

Trust, like the sun, and know we will rise each day no matter what life brings us.

5 Tips for Bringing Earth Energies into Your Life

Let’s celebrate and honour the sun by bringing more earth energies into our home, space, and surroundings. Nature provides us with everything we need.

🌻 Fill your home with sunflowers, as they honour the summer spirits, bringing in joy and represent prosperity, success, and inner confidence.

🌿 Wear rosemary oil to bring good tidings and boost energy levels.

🕯️🍊Light an orange candle with a note in mind of what you would like to bring to light and keep in the light.

🙏🏼 Remember to have a “gratitude attitude” for all things in life – the simple things that most of us take for granted. Tune into your heart and be grateful for what comes up for you.

🥒 Lastly, nourish your body with whole, plant-based foods leading up to solstice. On the day of Summer Solstice, I recommend eating cucumber gazpacho (cold soup) and cold press organic juices, which are high in antioxidants and very hydrating, and can help keep you grounded in these abundant new energies.

Take some time out of your day to worship the sun, using SPF of course!

➡️ For more energy tips, check out my blog post on Crystal Therapy and learn how to use the Crystal Grid for Success in the summer months!


Happy Summer Solstice. Keep shining your bright light!

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